Dreaming Big With Mission Meow

I may not remember what I wore the previous day or the reason why I walked into a room, but I will ALWAYS remember when I first heard about Sally Williams and Mission Meow. It was two years ago on a hot June day. I was watching a live podcast with The-Two-Crazy-Cat-Ladies. They were talking with a woman named Sally Williams about this cat centric non-profit that she was starting named Mission Meow. I remember watching this and thinking what an absolute genius idea this was and wondered why someone hadn’t already come up with this idea before. A cat centric non-profit that worked with business partners to raise money for other cat centric non-profits. How was this already not a thing? It was because not anyone could do this. THIS was something that Sally Williams had to do, and boy has she done it!!!


It has been two years since I was introduced to Sally and Mission Meow. Shortly after that podcast, I contacted Sally and volunteered to be their blog writer. A few months ago, I signed up as one of their business partners, joining some amazing businesses looking to help create meaningful change for cat centric non-profits. Currently, Mission Meow has 66 business partners, with the goal of reaching 100 by the end of the year. These amazing business partners have contributed to 12 grants (October’s grant will be lucky number 13) totaling $108,000! That is absolutely insane!!

Not only does Mission Meow raise money for these non-profit organizations, but Sally created the Monthly Mentorship Program where non-profits can apply to work one on one with experts in TNR, Fostering Programs, and Running a Shelter. These sessions are valuable to a small rescue looking to expand or just be able to maintain what they have already. Having the ability to learn from people who are already working in these areas is priceless and just another way that Mission Meow is helping to create meaningful change in the cat community.

Creating Meaningful Change

Over the past two years, 12 AMEOWZING cat centric non-profits (soon to be 13) have been the recipients of a Mission Meow grant. These organizations range from small rescues to TNR groups and everywhere in between. If it is a small non-profit looking to make a big change in the cat community, Mission Meow is there to help. I have had the pleasure of chatting with some of these grant recipients and have to say that I got emotional hearing their stories and how much of a difference being awarded a Mission Meow grant was going to make for them.

Feral Cats Advocacy, a small TNR & rescue organization based in Southern Oregon, is one that instantly comes to mind. They were awarded the April grant at the end of May after a complete twist of fate. This organization, founded by Amanda Linnehan, was in dire need of a new washer/dryer, especially being that they had been swamped with ringworm cases. The grant allowed them to not only purchase a new washer/dryer set for the facility that houses the ringworm cases, but also a washer/dryer combo set for their new adoption building. For those who work in TNR, you know how important working washers/dryers are. Amanda’s words of gratitude that it felt good to be “seen, heard, and validated for the work you are doing” summed up exactly what Mission Meow is trying to do. To see, hear, and validate those small non-profits trying to make a huge difference.

Erin Lydy, founder of FC3 (Firelands Community Cat Coalition) based in the Firelands area of Ohio, was the grant recipient of Mission Meow’s grant in July of 2023. Erin and FC3 work tirelessly to herp the free roaming and feral cats in her area through TNR. The grant allowed Erin to purchase a new shed, concrete pad, and mini-split HVAC that will allow them to comfortably house cats after TNR surgery. This space will also allow for easier cleanings and feedings while allowing cats to recover from surgery safely.

” The grant from Mission Meow was the first grant we ever received. As a small organization, we are often overlooked for grant opportunities. The grant enabled us to get a beautiful shed for the TNR cats to stay in before and after surgery. We were also able to add HVAC and a concrete slab. The shed has been life changing for us and the cats. At one point, we had thirty cats recovering in the shed which would not have been possible prior to us having the shed. We are beyond grateful for Mission Meow choosing us to be a grant recipient. We are excited to see the continued impact Mission Meow makes on more small feline centric organizations.” – Erin Lyndy, founder of FC3 and Mission Meow grant recipient

Most recently, For Love Of A Paw, received Mission Meow’s July grant totaling almost $20,000 to help remodel a new facility to house their medical cases. The grant will pay for new flooring and medical supplies, including exam tables and equipment. Having this separate medical facility will allow them to free up space in their current facility. Most importantly, it will allow them to keep the cats needing treatments away from healthy cats. Those who work in rescue know how extremely important this is. I was actually able to be a part of this grant awarding and to say that I was extremely emotional and in awe at all the amazing work this small organization does for cats in need would be an extreme understatement. It was truly heartwarming to see the immense appreciation for being acknowledged for the change they are trying to create.

Creating Even MORE Meaningful Change

So, what’s are on Sally’s list of things to do with Mission Meow this next year. First and foremost, to help even more cat centric small non-profits. She would like to consistently be able to award more than one grant each quarter as well as, increasing the amount of each grant. Seeing a doubling in business partners will definitely help Mission Meow accomplish this goal. This list of business partners who contribute to Mission Meow is truly incredible. If you are a business looking to help create meaningful change, you can join the cool cat club here.

One of the best ways that Sally gets the word out about Mission Meow is attending cat conventions around the country. Back in August, Mission Meow was present at CatCon, one of the biggest cat conventions in the country. However, during the month of October, Mission Meow will be attending 3 cat conventions! Catsbury Park Cat Convention is on October 5th in Asbury Park, NJ. This one is very special because Catsbury Park was the recipient of the very first Mission Meow grant. So, attending this convention is the absolute PURRFECT way to kick off anniversary month. The next weekend, Mission Meow will be representing at The Cat Fanciers’ Association Expo in Cleveland, Ohio. And, finally, Mission Meow will end their anniversary month by attending the first ever Space Cats Florida Convention at the Space Coast Convention Center in Florida. Wow! Three AMEOWZING cat conventions and all during anniversary month!!

Sally is also building a network between those enrolled in the mentorship program and the quarterly grant recipients. This will allow all involved access to a monthly Zoom call where they can support each other. Learning from each other is essential for growth and success. Having a network of other rescues and resources in the cat community will make a huge difference. It will not only provide a place with so many resources, but also a place to find support during rough times and dealing with compassion fatigue. Another truly amazing way that Mission Meow is creating meaningful change in the cat community.

The Sky's the Limit!

After getting to know and become friends with Sally Williams over the past two years, I can only imagine what I will be writing about for Mission Meow’s 3rd anniversary. The incredible things that Mission Meow has accomplished in just this year alone is absolutely inspiring. So, I can only imagine what this next year will bring. But that is the key to all of this. Inspiration. Sally is inspired daily by the small non-profits that work tirelessly to help cats in need. She is constantly in awe at how much they do with so little support. Which is why being able to personally give the grant checks truly warms Sally’s heart.

The best way to wrap up celebrating Mission Meow’s 2nd anniversary is with Sally’s own words about this ever-amazing organization. “Mission Meow truly makes dreams come true. Since Mission Meow launched in 2022, our cat community has come together, like a family, and helped small feline centric nonprofits across the US. These organizations are the heart and soul of cat rescue. They are mostly all volunteer run. They may be small, but they are truly mighty! The work they do may have been largely unrecognized, but we are changing that. Mission Meow is proud to share the impactful, vital work each of them are doing. Our grant recipients inspire us every day to work harder to make lasting transformations for cats in need.” I couldn’t have said it better. Happy Anniversary, Mission Meow! Here’s to another AMEOWZING year!

“The purity of a persons heart can be quickly measured by how they regard animals.”

– Anonymous

Slow Blinks,