Grant Application

Mission Meow grants are given to small feline focused non profits for use towards a specific well-defined initiative or purchase with defined milestone and completion date.

Keep in mind, Mission Meow does not provide financial assistance for rent, medical bills or monthly expenses such as food, litter and basic supplies. Grants currently average $7-$15k.

Grants are given quarterly!

January, April, July and October.

Applications are only accepted the month prior in the first 2 weeks.

January grant – Applications accepted the first 2 weeks of December.

April grant – Applications accepted the first 2 weeks of March.

July grant – Appiications accepted the first 2 weeks of June.

October grant – Appications accepted the first 2 weeks of September.

Applications sent outside of these dates will not be accepted.

The Mission Meow Grant Application consists of several components. Be sure to complete each section completely

Section 1

Cover Page
(one page on what makes your organization unique)

Section 2

Organizational Information
Mailing Address(Required)
Name Of President or Executive(Required)
Number of Employees:

Section 3

Grant Request
- Please provide the purpose of the grant requested - Amount requested. - Proposed project timeline with milestone dates.

Section 5

Final Documents
Please fill out your name again to confirm that you have read and agree to the Memorandum of Understanding listed above.

Section 4

Memorandum of Understanding Agreement
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, pdf, doc, docx, xlsx, xls, Max. file size: 300 MB, Max. files: 12.
    Final Documents. Must include all in order to qualify for grant consideration. 1. Budgets. Include revenues and expenses for the current fiscal year. If available please provide a projected budget for the upcoming year. 2. Current (year to date) Financial Statements. Balance Sheet, Income & Expenses. 3. Major Contributors. List any major contributions from foundations, businesses, or individuals. (do not include individual donor’s names) 4. Board Of Directors List . Position and term. 5. Proof Of IRS Federal Tax Exempt Status. Letter of Determination